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网址  2024-01-12  作者:老哥实体智能    阅读:

合同能源管理(Energy Performance Contracting,EPC),是指节能服务公司与用能单位以契约形式约定节能项目的节能目标,节能服务公司为实现节能目标向用能单位提供必要的服务,用能单位以节能效益支付节能服务公司的投入及其合理利润的节能服务机制,[1]于20世纪七十年代在美国兴起,并在西方发达国家开始发展起来。[2]
Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) refers to the energy-saving service mechanism in which energy-saving service companies and energy consuming units agree on the energy-saving goals of energy-saving projects in the form of contracts. The energy-saving service company provides necessary services to the energy consuming units to achieve the energy-saving goals, and the energy consuming units pay the investment and reasonable profits of the energy-saving service company with energy-saving benefits. It emerged in the United States in the 1970s, And it began to develop in developed Western countries. [2]
Contract energy management is a new energy-saving mechanism based on market operation, which essentially means paying the full cost of energy-saving projects with reduced energy costs. Contract energy management allows customers to upgrade their factories and equipment with future energy-saving benefits to reduce operating costs; Alternatively, energy-saving service companies can provide energy-saving services to customers by committing to the energy-saving benefits of energy-saving projects or contracting the overall energy costs. [2] Contract energy management includes energy-saving benefit sharing, energy-saving quantity guarantee, energy cost custody, financing leasing, hybrid and other types of contracts. [3]

